


We were raised in, and exist in, a racist society.

Under these conditions: racism isn’t something you simply abstain from. Racism is something you must actively unlearn. 

And continually self-check for

And continually self-check for



Hi. Please read this article about how queer Chicanx children’s book author, Maya Gonzalez, had her work stolen twice.

And consider her call to action to pressure the publishers and spread awareness about the plagiarism by sharing the article. Reblog this, or just share the article itself if you don’t want my example email. See if the plagiarized books are at your local library and stick Gonzalez’s provided bookmark in the copies, and send the publishers a Strongly Worded Email. Recommend copies of Maya Gonzalez’ books to your library too!

I am sending the following email to one of the publishers, New Harbinger (and another to Jessica Kingsley Publishing with the name of Storck’s book switched out for Pessin-Whedbee’s):

[ID: A screenshot of an email. The recipient is “”. 

The subject line says Plagiarism Will Not Be Tolerated. 

The body of the email says “Hello, 

Continuing to distribute Kelly Storck’s book “The Gender Identity Workbook for Kids: A Guide To Exploring Who You Are” while you are aware that this book heavily plagiarizes from the work of activist Maya Gonzalez is unethical as well as unprofessional. Any reputable company would discontinue profiting from this work, remove it from their website, and apologize to the rightful author for distributing their work without credit or pay. Profiting off of someone’s intellectual property without their knowledge and consent goes against the basic values of this industry, and continuing to perpetuate this injustice is unacceptable.

I ask that you recognize that this action on your part is wrong by ceasing to promote this harmful devaluing of an author’s work as soon as possible. Please permanently remove this book from your store.” End ID.]

Feel free to copy my email and send it to and a similar one to about “Who are you? The Kid’s Guide to Gender” by Brook Pessin-Whedbee.

Will the publishers respond and stop distributing the books? Probably not. They haven’t so far. But maybe they haven’t been pressured enough yet. Let’s change that.

tl;dr: The following books: “The Gender Identity Workbook for Kids: A Guide To Exploring Who You Are” by Kelly Storck, and “Who are you? The Kid’s Guide to Gender“ by Brook Pessin-Whedbee, are plagiarized from queer Chicanx author Maya Gonzalez, so two cishet white women are taking credit for her work. Pressure the publishers to stop distributing these books. And if the books are at your local library, print the bookmark provided by Gonzalez and stick it in their copies.

@thebibliosphere you have a big audience that likes books! Give this a boost?

Well this is just all kinds of disgusting. Welp, time to send some emails.





Code switching the racist narratives are the media standard.

White people salvage.

Black people loot.

White people get “distressed”

Black people get “outraged”

White people “demonstrate”

Black people “riot”

White people are “protective”

Black people are “violent”

White people are “scared”

Black people are “just angry”

This is the poison the current administration is pouring into our community so to drive division and hatred. There is no shame in righteous anger. It doesn’t take a degree or some profound breakthrough to realize that all people want is to be treated civilly just like every other GOD DAMN REDBLODDED AMERICAN. Note the use of the term “redblooded”. That is the only other stipulation. American; check, red blood; check. And if someone ANYONE tries to threaten your civil rights you have every right TO BE PISSED OFF

Reblogging bc this last comment ^^







Racism Is Literally Bad For Your Health

Here y’all go lol

Y’all never say shit about all of the butter, cream, fat, in French, or Italian food…

Exactly! The second you say shit about the portions in Italian food suddenly all these “we need to stop eating as much, that’s why America is obese” people run around talking about “Oh well it’s a family meal and you’re supposed to share all the dishes/entrees with other people.” But they act like Soul Food means that one person is eating an entire pot of greens with pork meat and 20 pieces of fried chicken by themselves.

Also even if Soul Food was somehow less healthy than other cuisines it’s way worse shit making people sick way faster when it comes to food.










Watch: Poet Elizabeth Acevedo nails the hypocrisy of anti-choice advocates.





You guys should watch PBS documentary on Evangelical Christians who are against abortions but are pro gun rights. The way they think makes absolutely no sense.

It makes perfect sense when you realize that they’re not really Christians. They’re white nationalists aka racists hiding behind the bible. They utilize the fight against abortion to disguise their white nationalist baby breeding agenda.

“you and mine ain’t on speaking terms” 🙌🏾



This is messed up

And this is literally because Heitkamp won with the Native vote. She wouldn’t have had the votes to win without them. And now she’s up for reelection and guess what’s happened? The GOP is suppressing the Native vote. We’re already seeing the effects of a conservative Supreme Court. Anyone that doesn’t support this administration needs to get out and vote this November.



Everyone needs to understand whats going on in Brazil right now

As you might know, the presidential election is happening here. But you don’t understand how serious and dangereous these times are. Theres very high chances that a man named Bolsonaro will win. He is openly FASCIST, and has said that he supports another dictatorship happening.

He is openly anti-lgbt, has said many violent things about gays, including that if parents BEAT their children, they could be “cured from homosexuality”.

He is openly racist, has said that their sons will never date a black woman because their were “raised correctly”, and many other things.

He is openly misogynistic, in an argument with a congresswoman, he said that he wouldn’t RAPE her because she did not DESERVE it.

All of these things were filmed. He has said many other dispicable things. His followers are violent: the election is not even over yet but many groups of his supporters are already harrasing minorities on the streets.

As a lesbian woman, i am scared. I am scared for my life. I am scared for my lgbt friends. I am scared for all of the minorities in Brazil, and all people who are going to die. LGBTs are already killed daily. Black people are killed daily. Women are beaten and raped. These are dark times, and we need support.

here are some updates for you guys, see if you can understand how dangerous things are here.

the first round of the elections happened on October 7th, and Bolsonaro got 46% of the votes. The second round will be between him and another candidate named Haddad. The voting day of the 2nd round, where the results will be out, will be on October 28th.

now, look at whats been happening here:

his followers are walking on the streets with nazi symbols on their bodies

and nazi shirts.

there have been MULTIPLE cases of nazi symbols being drawn and craved everywhere, schools, universities and on the streets.

and the worst of all: a man was killed, stabbed 12 times, because he said he was NOT voting for Bolsonaro. AND, a group of men made a swastika on the body of a 19 year old girl, with A KNIFE!!! because she was against him.

A gay Swedish antifascist spent a year undercover with white supremacists. Here’s what he found. – ThinkProgress



This is terrifying.

So yeah. When they say “LOL libturds call everything Nazis”

Remember this. 

They literally want Adolf Hitler’s face on money. 

They want to bring back concentration camps. 

They want to purge the ‘undesirables’. 

And they want to divert attention from these points until it’s too late, until all of a sudden it’s the middle of kristallnacht 2.0 and there’s no one left to speak out for you. 

They are, literally, absolutely goddamned Nazis. They are as Nazi as the Nazis who worked under Adolf Hitler, who were really into being Nazis, who incidentally are their heroes. They’re fuckin Nazis. 

Which is of course what POC, Jewish people, and black people have been saying, but nah you all want to go on about how both sides have points. 

No they fucking don’t. 

And saying so is an act of violence. 

A gay Swedish antifascist spent a year undercover with white supremacists. Here’s what he found. – ThinkProgress